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Lisburn Blog

Author and publisher Jim Brown

Jim Brown speaks to the Baton Rouge Women’s Book Club at the Country Club of Louisiana recently. Glad to see there are still many booklafiles actively reading in Baton Rouge. Jim is pictured with Missy Couhig, owner of the conundrum bookstore in Saint Francisville.

Jim Brown’s NEW BOOK!


 My Jerusalem Journey

(And Then the Missiles Came!)

ISBN 979-8-218-35707-8

Jim Brown’s NEW Book

Jim Brown had this premonition.  As he turned 84 years old, he felt it was time to explore his faith and spirituality. He certainly has lived a full life. In fact, one of Louisiana’s newspapers editorialized that “Jim Brown ain’t led no humdrum life.”

 From 28 years as a Louisiana elected official, a soul practitioner lawyer in one of Louisiana’s smallest towns representing the likes of Jerry Lee Lewis and Rev. Jimmy Swaggart, a world class athlete on the US Track team, a director in one of Texas’ largest law firms, and the author of 1000 syndicated newspaper columns and seven books. He seemed to have done it all.

But something was missing.  He remembered the song by the Beatles’ George Harrison. “I really want to know you, but it takes so long, my Lord.”  So how to begin a search for the Holy Spirit? Jim began by traveling to the Holy Land.  His story tells how he went to Jerusalem to follow the path of Jesus Christ, and then he ends up by escaping incoming Hamas missiles by the skin of his teeth. Along the way, Jim researches and reimagines both Jewish and Christian history that should prove to be fascinating to both believers and skeptic select.

The author helps us understand the history of antisemitism that seems to be growing around the world today.  All in all, there are crisps insights, amusing, antidotes, and poignant stories that are both elegant and persuasive. This book is quite an

accomplishment by a longtime author, but a first time Christian writer. A read well worth undertaking.

This is Jim Brown’s seventh book.  *All his books are available at Full information about the author can be found on his media website at